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Galina and Ted leaving Vancouver, B.C. on Silversea Muse 2024
Galina and Ted leaving Vancouver, B.C. on Silversea Muse 2024

Our Two Cents Travel is an independent publication launched in August 2024 by Ted and Galina LeRoy. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Our Two Cents Travel to continue to exist. Thank you!

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About Us

Ted LeRoy

I'm a retired U.S. Navy Master-at-Arms Chief Petty Officer, now working as a Senior Enterprise Security Architect at a large insurance company in Canada. I also produce online video courses on Udemy (just go on Udemy and search for Ted LeRoy). My travel perspective is quite different from that of my lovely wife.

Galina LeRoy

I'm a Theoretical Nuclear Physicist and Senior Consultant with my own business, consulting for the nuclear power industry in Canada. Let's just say I'm more detail oriented than my husband.

Despite, or perhaps because of our differing perspectives, we really enjoy travelling together, learning about travel, and sharing our adventures.

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