2024 Christmas Markets Rhine River Cruise - Day 4 - Baden-Baden, Germany

Photo of Galina at one of the Christmas Market entrances, Baden Baden
Galina at one of the Christmas Market entrances, Baden Baden

12 December 2024

We had a short bus ride toward town, and a walk through a garden park toward the Casino and shopping area where the Christmas Market is. Before long, we were at the Trinkhalle's (Pump House's) beautiful open colonnade filled with frescoes, and this time of year, Christmas Market stalls.

Photo of the Trinkhalle (Pump Room) and one entrance to the Christmas Market
Trinkhalle (Pump Room) and one entrance to the Christmas Market
Photo of Trinkhalle frescoes and Christmas Market stalls
Trinkhalle frescoes and Christmas Market stalls

The Trinkhalle was completed in 1842 and was designed by Heinrich Hübsch, a prominent architect of the time. It was a central hub where illustrious visitors to Baden-Baden, seeking time in the healing spa waters, would meet.

Aside from it's hot, spring fed spa's, Baden-Baden is known for its Casino.

Photo of Baden-Baden Casino Entrance
Casino Entrance

We saw one of the oldest businesses in Baden-Baden, the Alte Hof Apohtheke. Apotheke, or apothecary in English is a drug store. Our guide called our attention to the coat of arms displayed above the door. The red stripe across it indicates that the rulers of Baden-Baden had the authority to have people committing crimes within its borders executed!

Photo of Alte Hof Aphotheke old drug store
Alte Hof Aphotheke old drug store
Photo of red stripe in coat of arms indicating execution authority
Red stripe in coat of arms indicates execution authority

Some of the stores in Baden-Baden really went all out with the Christmas decorating. Some could rival National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation at least in volume of decorations per square foot.

Photo of store with extreme Christmas decoration
Extreme Christmas, Baden-Baden style
Photos of more stores with extreme Christmas decorations
More extreme Christmas decorations

We had a quick stop at a place Dostoyevsky stayed at while in Baden-Baden. It seems he was a notorious gambler, and as we know, the house always wins in the end. He did not come out a winner.

Photo of Dostoyevsky's flat in Baden-Baden
Dostoyevsky's flat in Baden-Baden

The area has been renowned for its hot springs since Ancient Roman times and visitors can soak in geothermal heated spring water from the same sources the Romans used at Friedrichsbad Spa.

After the walking tour, we had some time to visit the Christmas Market at Baden-Baden, which was by far the best we had visited. It was very well laid out, with many, many booths to visit, but with ample space for walking between the sets of booths.

Photo depicting Plenty of space for roaming all the Christmas Market booths at Baden-Baden
Plenty of space for roaming all the Christmas Market booths at Baden-Baden
Another shot of the Christmas Market at Baden-Baden
Another shot of the Christmas Market at Baden-Baden

Baden-Baden was a hit for us, and we've been in the summer as well and liked it then too. We're not much into gambling, but the city still has a lot to offer.

Next stop, Strassbourg!